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World Bicycle Day - Challenge announcement!

As today is World Bicycle Day, it seemed an opportune time to share some challenges that one of our Directors, Martin Stoney, will be tackling over the next few months as part of our commitment to raise money for the charity Leeds Cares (

First up in August, he will be riding over 1000km (c. 650 miles) in just 7 days! Assuming he is still in "good working order" he will then be tackling the UCI Sportive in September (c. 100 miles around the Yorkshire Dales).

He will be combining his fundraising with a group of friends, collectively known as "Team Gears & Beers" and between them they are aiming to raise over £10,000 for the charity. Any sponsorship would be greatly appreciated and the following link will take you through to the "Team Gears & Beers" Page (


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